Monday, March 1, 2010

First Post from Germany

Well, I have made it to Germany. The trip here was eventful. For starters, I missed the flight I was scheduled for out of London to Stuttgart. This was the result of many things, such as leaving late, no tail wind, poor weather in Enlgand, and lines to get through security. I have concluded that this could only happen as a result of God testing me to be less confident in the way things are. This trip is going to be like that, I get the feeling. When you can understand the signs, and speech, and papers people give you, things are much easier. Too bad things aren't like that now.
To get to the youth hostel that I spent the night in, I walked down (down, as in down hill) a street about a mile , only to find that the hostel wasn't there. I then had to walk back up the hill, again a mile, to the spot I started and find the correct road. The directions I had said follow the sign to the hostel, after waking down the hill. I didn't know what the signs looked like, so that is what caused me problems. Apparently the signs for a hostel are a house with a tree next to it, with no writing at all. My bad for not knowing that.
Now I am at the Universität, with a room. That is really all I need, for now.
Another interesting thing to note, is that German keyboards are slightly different than American ones. For one, the 'z' and 'y' key are switched. It is kinda a pain. Also, there are keys with umlauts, the two dots over letters, that makes it much easier to type in German. Other differences aren't quite as big.
Shaun is here now, so I don't feel like such a pathetic person because I have someone to talk to.
Pictures of stuff will be coming, once I get settled with everything.

1 comment:

  1. Zay I'm so glad zou made it safelz to your dorm room! It's encouraging that God's caused you to recognize that your difficulties are meant to cause you to rely upon Him. Though it's never fun to experience such things, it's exactly how God intended your trip to begin - "God works out all things for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28).

    Thanks for the update, and definitely let me/us know if there are specific things we should pray for you. For starters:

    God, thank you for being at work in Jeff's life through these circumstances - I pray that you would continue to draw Jeff to seek after & rely upon you, especially as he becomes more settled and tempted to rely upon his own comfort & strength. Give him a hunger for you and your Word, and encourage him through it when he has noone else to turn to. I also pray that you would line up schedules to allow for Jeff to stay in touch with us back in Houghton via FB or Skype or whatever. We praise you for who you are and what you have done, are doing, and will be doing in Jeff's life. -Amen
